About ten years ago, Matt Rees decided to start on an adventure, and headed east from his hometown in Colorado. He ended up Brno, the Czech Republic's second-largest city, and began work on a master’s degree in European Politics. While completing his degree, Matt began teaching English and doing occasional translations and proofreadings to finance his studies. Eventually, the financing of studies became the financing of life in general, and English teaching and translation slowly consumed increasing amounts of his time. He discovered that his passion lay in the opportunity to make intelligent people sound just as smart in English as they did in their own native language.
Sometimes, the best way to do this was to give them the tools directly, and provide English lessons. This meant building relationships with language schools as well as offering languages services, including workshops and classes, directly.
Other times, this meant giving their words a new audience, taking their native language and translating it. Sometimes these were the obscure texts of artists; other times, the scientific research of geneticists; still other times, the warm welcomes from hotel owners.
In 2014, Matt moved from Brno, where he still maintains contacts and business, to Osnabrück, Germany, where his talent for German was given an opportunity to flourish. In the past year, he began to branch out from the Czech language, and added German translation to his professional portfolio.
Matt also often partners with various translators and writers to ensure that quality stays high and customers are satisfied. Sometimes, these are other native English speakers, and sometimes Matt calls in German or Czech native speakers, or even contacts in Poland, Slovakia, or the Netherlands. This way, we can ensure accuracy of content as well as of grammar and style.